Saturday, June 19, 2010


Didn't realize how long it's been since I last posted.
Lot of things going on; with hubby's job, my health, kids, house etc. Once I get out of the habit of blogging, time seems to fly by, until I suddenly realize it's been months!

We are basically in a state of flux right now. Can't really talk about it in detail, but we are being forced to make decisions about our immediate & long term future. Hubby is doing well health wise; with the exception of one possible problem, but the Drs. are keeping an eye on it and hopefully it's nothing. Other then that, he's working his normal hours.

Myself? Well, healthwise, things have basically been whacky. And if I'm not feeling well for any period of time, I get depressed. BUT, I have basically kicked myself in the butt, and done a major self attitude adjustment. Can't change some things, focus on what I can. Lot of positive self talk. Take it one day at a time. Getting back in the groove. If I was still working, I'd be able focus on that, but I'm home. Makes me a major slacker. I really shouldn't say that, being in a lot of pain zaps my energy after a while, mentally & physically.

The hubs had been gently trying to prod me into getting back into the appraisal/auction/selling field, since that seems to be the thing I do best. I just haven't *felt* it for a while. I've been driving myself crazy trying to decide what other field I should go into; whether it meant going back to school, or getting another job. However, being in the state I am now, I finally realized that I have to stick with what I know, and what I do well at. And that hit me all of a sudden with a trip to the thrift store while we were in the mountains recently. I was browsing in the book section, and I saw a set of antique books. And just like that, the appraiser part of me kicked in. I guess I was just mentally ready again. Checked on my phone, and discovered they were worth something. I won't say my hands were shaking, but that old excitement kicked in again. And that was that.

We consider ourselves frugal, but because of further financial concerns, we are taking it to a new level. Which is fine, whatever little luxuries we have (and they are few) can go. Just thrilled to be able to enjoy my Hubby & family.

The weather here is gorgeous this weekend! Happy Father's Day to all you Dad's out there!!!

1 comment:

Missie said...

I hear ya! I'm been feeling the same way lately.